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Novartis Pharma AG

Fantastic Business Analysts!

I’m absolutely happy to have machCon onboard within my projects. They have an incredible drive and are solution oriented while keeping a friendly and positive working atmosphere

Process Integration Lead<br />

Process Integration Lead


Roche Pharma Research IT

machCon is like TopGun’s Maverick!

I have to say that I totally love working together with machCon – They have very good Project Managers & Coordinators as well as great Business Analysts and Technical Experts.

Head of Global TechOps IT

Head of Global TechOps IT


Sandoz International GmbH

Highly skilled Project Managers

I was collaborating with machCon for a large scale project and was absolutely satisfied with the performance. The Project Manager did a great job & socialized smoothly with the whole team.

Head of Laboratory IT

Head of Laboratory IT

Zertifizierungen & Mitgliedschaften


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Christian Herbst - CEO, IT-Security, NIS-2, Projektmanagement und Datenschutz