About us

IT & Compliance
Smart. Efficient. Secure.

Get to know us

MachCon Logo

IT & Compliance
Smart. Efficient. Secure.

Our Vision

The name machCon is composed of two words that reflect our values and ideas of a smart, efficient and secure consulting company in the areas of IT & Compliance.
„mach” is a dimension-independent characteristic number in fluid dynamics for speeds and is primarily used in aviation. The highest standards of precision, efficiency and accuracy serve us as well as aviation as orientation for our smart consulting services.
„mach” is also an action-oriented request, because our proactive, passionate approach creates commitment.
“Con” stands for consulting and underlines our ambition as a pioneer and leader in our field of activity. We are continuously working on our vision of becoming one of the leading partners for IT & compliance in the DACH region.

Our Mission

As “invisible heroes” in the background, we take responsibility for our customers’ IT & compliance. This creates a broad foundation on which our customers can build and concentrate on day-to-day business. We serve the customer as innovative, proactive “doers” who roll up their sleeves and implement solutions smartly and efficiently. Our specialist knowledge and our passion for our specialist area spurs us on to top performance every day.


IT is business-critical

machCon keeps operations running efficiently


Compliance is complex

We make it look easy – pragmatic but safe


IT-Security is innovative

We easily keep up and rely on smart solutions

Honesty is the best

We stand for respectful, honest and open dealings with each other both in the team and with our customers. This is the only way we can ensure a strong foundation and long-term success.

the whole thing is more than the sum of its parts

Our work is like a living organism: even the smallest particle fulfills an important task. All of us in the team are part of something big and ensure top performance with joy and passion.

Standing still is not an option for us

Thanks to our tireless commitment, we are a valued partner at the side of our customers. We are constantly developing and remain open to trends, are always one step ahead and deliver the best service quality at eye level.

The machCon Management Team


Chief Executive Officer machCon Group

Dejan Krasojevic

Chief Executive Officer machCon Schweiz

Fritz Metterhauser

Chief Executive Officer machCon Deutschland

Christoph Rank

Madalena Winterhalder

Florian Martin

Zdravko Matic

Stefan Keller

Steven Wolf

Michelle Dukart

Leo Witzigmann

David Dembski

Alexander Rossi

Alena Brandenburg

Frank Wolf

Our locations

Hauptsitz Schweiz

General-Guisan-Strasse 6
6300 Zug

T +41 41 562 99 70

Bild von Basel Office (über uns)

City Office Basel

Thiersteinerallee 17
4053 Basel

T +41 61 331 41 33

Bild von Regensburger Office (über uns)

Office Regensdorf

Bahnstrasse 102
8105 Regensdorf

T +41 43 931 58 78

Hauptsitz Deutschland

Robert-Bosch-Strasse 1
78234 Engen

T +49 7733 360 35 40