The Design Thinking Process Steps

Design Thinking is a systematic, human-centered approach to solving complex problems within all aspects of life. These are the six process steps.

Definition: First look at the matter at hand from all different angles
 generally the starting point
 Ask questions
 learn about the audience for whom you are designing
 collect examples of other attempts to solve the same issue identify existing obstacles

Research: Determine the needs of the users
 identify the needs and motivations of end-users
 What is the team going to research?
 Conducting interviews
 Gaining a deeper understanding of the problem and the users

Interpretation: Evaluating the aquired information
 Evaluate the acquired information
 Create an overview of the insights
 Cluster the information
 Recognize certain needs relating to a group of users
 Clear vision of the users, their needs, fears, and goals is established

Idea Generation: Generate new ideas
 generate as many ideas as possible to serve these identified needs
 log your brainstorming session
 do not judge or debate ideas as this limits creativity

Prototyping: Represent ideas
 build a representation of one or more of your ideas to show others
 combine, expand, and refine ideas
 create multiple drafts

Evaluation: Test ideas for feedback
 seek feedback from a diverse group of people including end-users
 review the objective and determine if the solution met its goals
 avoid consensus thinking and ownership of ideas
 discuss what could be improved


Christoph Rank

Senior Consultant Compliance & Datenschutz